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Black and White Star in Circle

What’s Happening?

We believe that a healthy community is an active community. We are in the business of building faith and empowering individuals through practicing God’s work. We get excited about getting involved, doing good, and spreading the love of Jesus Christ in Cedar Rapids.

Love Thy Neighbor

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August 2023

We believe that the love and power of Jesus Christ is what propels our community to the place of victory. Love Thy Neighbor event takes place every summer, and is our way to reach out to our community with the love of Christ. We are guided by the commandment of our Lord "...Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" Matthew 22:39.

How Do We Show Love?

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August 2023

At Lifeline Ministries we came up with a project that has social impact and take it to the community each year. We partner with other local churches to spread love, and we appreciate these partnerships in making a statement for Christ. Our projects range from giving out backpacks filled with school supplies, free clothing and much more. Our Pastors also get to pray for the community members who wish to be prayed for. The events are complemented with free lunch and games in the park. 


As a ministry, we also run a food pantry from our local church to assist our community neighbors who cannot afford to put meals on the table. All to the Glory of God!

2022 Turkey Give Away


November 19, 2022

As an extension to the Love Thy Neighbor summer event, and with financial blessings from the Lord and members, Lifeline Ministries was able to give away 100 free turkeys to those in need.

(319) 366-1787

©2019 by Mavis Phiri: Lifeline Ministries. Proudly created with

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